Thursday 28 September 2023

When the spirits have a limp

Our fathers told us 

And we believed 

That the spirit is behind the mask

The spirits of our ancestors

Who receive the libations 

And eat the kola nut before it is shared

Our fathers told us

Of the dragons our ancestors slayed

And we dance to the songs

That celebrate their might on moonlit nights

We pride our selves 

As the children of giants

So the masks and the spirits

Garlands our prestige

And struts our heritage 

In the market place

For the old to nod their heads

And the young to glow with pride

Until  now 

The music is the same

And the masks are the same

But the spirits have a limp

And our children are wondering

No, they are looking at us

Like we are liars

Was it the limp that slew the dragon?