Monday 29 July 2024

Don’t speak ill of the dead

 Don’t speak ill of the dead

Don’t speak ill of the dead they say

They are now spirit

Unbound by the rules of time or space

They will hear your speech before you say it

And clog the water in your pipes

Which any way is the ill you speak of

Or they may remove the bumps on your way

And lead the angels to hail you

As if the ill they wrought is now buried with the flesh

They didn’t crave their friends wife

Or collect the poor farmers seeds

That was their living actions

Now they are dead, they can do no evil

They can neither seize nor maul

Neither lie nor say the truth

So speak no ill of the dead

They are dead

The ills they wrought are now buried with the flesh

Nailed down shut in their coffins

Left alone with them in the stone vault

Arguing with the worms and the heat

The enzymes that disregard their robes

And return them and their ills to the earth

That speaks neither ill nor praise

Of the dead or of the living.

The earth just witnesses.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

For the girl, the umbrella and the flood

For the girl, the umbrella and the flood

Spare a thought and a moment

Across the street 

Where the drain once was

Or may be is still is

No one can tell anymore

As the rains come steadily down

And the rivulets that

Start as steady drum beats

All march in numbing step

A billion army of blind drops

Gathering neighbours and comrades

From leaves to rooftops

Over umbrellas and soaked shoes

Turn into small trickles

And then bigger gurgles

And now raging floods

Spare a pain and a hail

At the little girl 

With matted hair 

Bravely standing in the path

Of the trickles that have become floods

With her tears joining

The army of drops and rivulets

She looks out through the torrent

Seeking out her mother

From the clump of heads

Bobbing above the floods

Some tossed by the floods

Some tossing the floods

In the battle between the armies

Of the drops and the wills

Now raging in the street

Spare a smile and a thanks

When the sun breaks the ranks

And separates the thunder from the cloud

So the drops lose their comrades

And the drumbeats slows down

And the watery bearers 

Can no longer hear the trumpets

Asking the march to stay on course

And the floods retreat to the gurgles

And the gurgles to the trickles

And all is quiet again

For the girl, the umbrella and the flood.

Tuesday 9 July 2024

What do we tell the thief

 What do we tell the thief

If it wasn’t the chief

That is wearing the sandals

That was stolen on the market day

While the elders sat 

In conclave over the

Crops disappearing from the farm

If it wasn’t the chief

That came in the big car

Splashing water from the dry bed

Of long forgotten floods

Where the road used to be

And the shops have disappeared

If it wasn’t the chief

That wore a big gown

And a big smile in his smug face

Spreading fake cheer

Where there is only drought

And withering arms

If it wasn’t the chief

That sneaked between the sheets

And the covers hiding 

The secrets of our treasury

And raped her without mercy

Even while the sun bakes his bottom

If it wasn’t the chief

That we now know

Who leads the gang 

That we curse and beg

The brigands that we now bow to

And wonder what we will tell the thief. 

Monday 8 July 2024

When death comes

 When death comes

When death comes

Let him leave the sickle behind

And wear no black sack

Let him come 

Like the elderly neighbour

Shuffling kindly to your side

Let him steal

Through the window

While the evening rays bath

Your couch

Let him hold out  

A soft craggy hand

And entice you with the flutter of wings

Let him ask you 

Gently whether you paid your taxes

Whether you told your people

Then let him lead 

You as noiselessly as he came

To the great beyond