Take heart my brother
Put the noose down
Kick the upturned drum away
Come, sit down here
Let me bring your water to drink
Or cold beer really
The shop is gone, I know
Your goods are lost, I know
Take heart my brother
Throw the sniper bottle away
Sit down with me
Let us look up at the dark sky
The stars are still shooting
And some are twinkling
What of the loan, you ask
What of the baby food
Take heart my brother
Let go of the machete
Put that sword back in the scabbard
Let's walk down the street
Johnson is dead, he lost his shop too
Mary is in hospital, she lost her shop too
Take heart my brother
Put the bottle away
Follow me up the hill
Let us look down on the town
The bulldozer is still at work
When it's done, it will go away
Just like all of this will go away
Take heart my brother
Let the tears go.