The six blind men went to court
As they were told to do
When their eyes were gouged
For looking too closely at the sore
In the bosom of the emperor
For saying the emperor was naked
And his sore infested with maggots
The first blind man came with his counsel
As they were told to do
And a retinue of other blind men
Whose eyes were also gouged out
For looking too closely at the mud
That were the feet of the emperor
And seeing that the mud could be broken
With nothing more than a stick and a shove
The first blind man and his counsel
Saw that the justice was blind
And didn’t see the emperor
As he paraded naked down the royal path
And so could not restore a sight
That claimed to have seen a sore
A sore on the bosom of the emperor.
The second blind man came with his advisers
As they were told to do
And a raucous crowd of other blind men
Long blinded with hot flames thrust into their eyes
For proclaiming the blasphemy
Of the emperor eating the sacrifice meant for the gods
Sacrifice of the blood of young ones
Desperate for hope that the future will come
The second blind men and his advisers
Saw that the justice held a scale
But the scale had holes
And the weight of the blood of the young
The sacrifice the emperor ate
Flowed right through the scales to spatter
On the feet of Justice
And Justice could not weigh the hope
And the sacrifice of the young
The third blind man came with his cleric
As they were told to do
And a solemn retinue of other blind men
Reciting prayers to a god they were not sure
Was the ones that blinded them in the glare of the sun
Without the eyelids and without their prayer books
So they could were not quick enough to pray
For the emperor who needed no prayers anyway
The third blind man and the cleric
Saw that justice was rooted to the slab
And could not move despite their prayers
Being only a sculpture made by a mad sculptor
And left to decorate the emperor’s court
In the rain and in the shine of each day
And not taking a step to find the emperor
Or his prayers
The fourth blind man came with his tribesmen
As they were told to do
With blind tribal warriors ululating in their wake
Striking their chests in the fake courage
Of those who thought they were fighting for their tribe
When the emperor had usurped their tribe
And appropriated the sight of they and their ancestors
The fourth blind man and his blind tribesmen
Saw that justice was a woman
Already seduced by the wiles of the emperor
Justice had no appreciation of their bravery
Nor of their honour nor their tribal chants
While considering the pleasures of sharing
In the emperor’s turgid member
The fifth blind man came with his purser
As they were told to do
With blind usurers clutching their bags of gold
Saying they could ascertain by touch
That the clay coins of the emperor were indeed priceless gold
Setting up there shops to trade the soil he stepped on
And exchanging their gold for dung left by the emperor
The fifth blind man and his purser
Saw that justice indeed took their gold
Hid it behind her robes and asked them for more
Because justice has also received gold
From the emperors pursers
Who owned the land and the gold there in.
The sixth blind man came alone
As they were told to do
With no one to sing his praise
Or cry with him because all the men in the land
Could no longer walk, nor see nor talk
The sixth blind man came alone
And sat at the feet of the justice
Who is stuck in the slab of concrete
Whose scales had holes still dripping with the blood of hope
Justice that was also blind and beloved of the emperor
The sixth blind man sat and slowly froze
And atrophied and became like the justice
But even worse
For his soul still remembered
The emperor did have a sore on his bosom.