Little droplet
from the clouds
You survived lashing and twisting of the winds
You braved the claps of thunder and searing of lightning
To wet this little patch of parched earth
Little droplet
From the clouds
Did you catch a whiff
Of the smell of fear cooping us in our little holes?
Did you catch a glimpse of the minute swordsman laying waste to our arms, armaments and armies
As you sailed to wet this little patch of parched earth.
Little droplets
From the cloud
Did you sense our confusion?
Did you feel our desperation expressed in hollow prayers and hollower rituals
Were you aghast at the leaders hiding behind numbers and numbers hiding behind projections
As you bore down to wet this little patch of a parched earth.
Little droplet
From the cloud
Did you think our adversary will answer to shrapnel
Or respond to questions from pressmen entrapping politicians in their lies?
Did you think to stop in your flight and listen to the drivel from a billion voices wondering what the babble will achieve,
As you quietly wept to wet this little patch of a parched earth.
Little droplets
From the cloud
Did you wonder why no one ran out to welcome you
Why no one opened the gates?
Did you ask where we have all gone?
Did they not tell you how we scurry to build, to tear down and build again?
As you reached out to touch and wet this little patch of parched earth.
Little droplet
from the cloud
Will you drown our adversary?
Will you dissolve him and separate him to his essence , molecule by molecule?
Or is he riding on your tail, reaching out with sinister humor to take the spaces we have vacated
As your arrival wets this little patch of a parched earth.
Little droplet
Little droplet from the clouds
Are you bearing a rainbow in a vial
Fairy dust in a fairy bag
That you will sprinkle on this little patch of parched earth
and wake up the seeds hiding beneath the manure?